To help you practice introspection
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Speak your latent conviction." And I said, "Copy that." Here are my latent convictions made manifest.
My New Year's Eve journal entry upon the sunset of 2024
4-min read
Weaning myself off the teat of algorithmic feeds
14-min read
There is nothing more noble in Nature than a glacier.
2-min read
This is a rant, but it's also a call to use our democratic power of consumption to shape culture.
9-min read
Don’t you want to remember them?
12-min read
We’re optimized for viral moments, not compelling arguments.
14-min read
Do we deserve the gift of fire?
13-min read
I am human because I dream. I dream because I am human.
3-min read
Giving you a sense of barbecue-baseball bliss
12-min read
Set your sights on the horizon, and sail toward fulfillment.
2-min read
Insights and essays from a sage of the craft
9-min read
The full answer to a frequently asked question
6-min read
Ground freedom in meaning, and laugh in the face of fate.
7-min read
Either satire or a summary of the Internet’s best writing advice
4-min read
All the information we consume is packaged as entertainment.
5-min read
We have the freedom to decide what matters.
8-min read
Silence is scarce in the city.
3-min read
In moments of stillness, you’ll find beauty.
4-min read
All relationships are ‘doomed’ because everything ends.
14-min read
Don’t make detours. Embrace ephemerality.
4-min read
The path to unity starts with commonplace humility.
9-min read
Fiction offers a whole new medium for introspection.
6-min read
“Someone ought to intervene, but it doesn’t have to be me.”
10-min read
On his day off, Cameron reclaims his life and takes a stand.
9-min read
Maintain moderation, align your desires, and approach the good.
8-min read
Leading means taking a place in front of others.
6-min read
5-min read
12-min read
We think behind and beyond what we experience.
5-min read
You may find that your own lawn is the best spot on the block.
5-min read
3-min read
Trauma isn’t the only path to personal development.
5-min read
Understand entropy, start accepting change.
3-min read
We’re intolerant of our intellectual opponents.
4-min read
4-min read