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Michael Dean
Michael Dean
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@November 1, 2024: Essay Architecture Reset
@October 18, 2024: COSMOS Essay Proofread
The significance of numbers (especially for lists):
"We use one for power. Use two for comparison, contrast. Use three for completeness, wholeness, roundness. Use four or more to list, inventory, compile, and expand.” – Roy Peter Clark, Writing Tools
Watch out for nominalization (see Purdue Owl).
“The compression
of the thesis down into a short, compact name is the Title (3).”
The Title (3) is a short, compact name for your thesis.
Be prudent about how many “non-restrictive” appositives (Grammarly) you use.
"Not only" (almost) always needs "but also."
Not only is she kind but also smart.
Not only is she kind, but smart.